ROMANO ATMO is a French dance company. Founded by Petia IOURTCHENKO and his wife Anne-Marie IOURTCHENKO in Paris, in 1994, it is made up of active amateur gypsy dancers and artists from all walks of life: dancers, actors, singers, musicians ...
The dancers hail from different nations and backgrounds: most are “non-gypsy” (“gadgie”) French, but there are also Russians, Romanians, Spanish, Poles ... ROMANO ATMO’s youngest artist is only eight years old! Some have been dancing with Petia for over twelve years, while others entered the company this year.
The company is a family, concerned about sharing its art and love for gypsy folklore as broadly as possible, through gala performances, new works, evening performances in Paris restaurants, open rehearsals and yearly auditions for new dancers who have reached the required level of proficiency and wish to share their love for this form of dance on stage, with an audience.
Every Sunday, the company comes together at "Studio PIETRAGALLA compagny", located at 12th street Gustave Nicklès (91170 BAGNOLET), just after the Beginners’ and Intermediate-Level courses,
to rehearse their repertoire and work on new works, as part of the association “MTK La Danse”.
Every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evening, the dancers rent a room in Paris to test out new steps,
create new works and practice their repertoire in their quest for perfection.
_ Mémoires d'un vieux tzigane, "MPAA" (Auditorium) Saint-Germain des prés, Paris (75006)
_ Amaproshow (Gala "Smocking et brillantine"), "Théâtre du gymnase", Paris( 75010)
_ Amaproshow (Gala "Smocking et brillantine"), "Théâtre du gymnase", Paris (75010)
_ L’âme des tzigane, Espace Fraternité "Chapiteau Magic Mirrors", Aubervilliers (93300)
_ Mémoires juives et tziganes, "Café de la danse" (75011)
_ Festival des arts tzigane Khamoro, Palais des congrès de Pragues (République-Tchèque)
2007 à 2010
_ Tournée nationale: galas, concerts et soirées privées
_ Sur la route des tziganes, "Maison de l'Unesco", Paris (75007)
_ Avant, nous étions des oiseaux : "MPAA" (Auditorium) Saint Germain des Prés, Paris (75006)
_ Festival Voyage en Tziganie, Cirque d’Hiver, Paris (75011)
_ Festiva Métis’Arts, Le Trianon, Paris (75018)
_ Les tziganes, "Café de la Danse", Paris (75011)
_Festival Onze bouge, Paris (75011)
_ Les tziganes, "Cabaret Sauvage", Paris (75019)
_ Gala pour la Mucoviscidose, Espace Culturel André Malraux, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre (94270)
_ Nos racines baignent dans la Volga, et nos feuilles dans la Seine, documentaire réalisé par Viktor Serov
_ Rockstar, réalisé par Imtiaz Ali, avec Rambir KAPOOR
_ Rire et Châtiment, réalisée par Isabelle Dorval, avec José GARCIA
_ Music Hall & Compagnie, présenté par Patrick Sébastien, Fr 2
_ Au secours, ils revienent!, Présenté par Christophe Dechavanne, TF1
_ Mille Adresses pour Sortir, Paris Première
_ Le Grand Gala de la Presse, TF1